My Extracurricular activies are listed below and show my capabilites as a team player and my skill and dedication towards being better:
- Competing in basketball matches and training
- Competing in track and field events as such showing my dedication to bettering myself
- Playing in a chess club however not in a competitive sense
- Archery however just for practice in bettering my precsion and showing my capabilities
- Cycling which showed my resilience in difficult trips that may include going up high inclines
- Trying out yoga to help deal with stress and anger in a positive and healthy way
- Previously plaing in a band which shows my team working skills and good comunication
- tyring out an art class to also express myself more and discover new talents i may want to persue
- Taking sewing classes to learn essential skills for basic clothing repair
- I also took numerous classes in martial arts showing disciplin
- Trying other ways of creativity by attempting pottery making bowls,cups and vases
- I also started after school clubs when i was in high school encouraging more pupils to make friends
- trying a netball club for a year however not in a competitive scene and just for casual play with locals furthering my team work
- Frequently playing dungeons and dragons in a local club proving i can make well thought out decisions